2013年12月31日 星期二

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 豬糞變黃金 經部與漢翔催生沼氣發電 促進3.7億元投資

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Learning HTML & CSS shouldn't be difficult.

Master Trainer, Mark Lassoff, will teach you everything you need to know to create a creative and professional web site in 4 hours.
From our sponsors
豬糞變黃金 經部與漢翔催生沼氣發電 促進3.7億元投資
Jan 1st 2014, 03:30


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 《各報要聞》2013年全球市場PK賽:歐美股、匯贏,美債、黃金輸

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Looking for something light while keeping you safe and comfortable during extended waterside activities?

Shop New Drainmaker Shoe for Men, Women and Kids at Columbia!
From our sponsors
Jan 1st 2014, 01:11


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 《各報要聞》迎接2014年,台股四大利基撐腰拚9700

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Get the newest, latest, hottest

Find shoes, heels, flats, active, essentials and more in the latest styles. Save up to 40% on select items.
From our sponsors
Jan 1st 2014, 01:11


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 國外經濟金融情勢(1)

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Curious about the benefits of meditation?

In just a few minutes daily, this course will teach you how to relax and relieve stress. Even with a full schedule, you will want to make time for this!
From our sponsors
Jan 1st 2014, 00:14

Netflix執行長明年加薪擴大緊縮預算 大馬減娛樂支出印尼盾領貶 亞幣貶幅5年之最美減購債效應 債券料續跌美光...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 【金屬盤後】金跌 工業金屬挫

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Creating iOS Games: Beginner Course

Marin Todorov teaches you how to create an iPhone game easily and simply using Cocos2d in this $99 online course.
From our sponsors
【金屬盤後】金跌 工業金屬挫
Dec 31st 2013, 22:53


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 貴金屬盤後-金光黯淡 2013 貶值 28%

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Free Bestselling eBooks

It's easy: sign up in under 10 seconds, tell us what kind of eBooks you love & we'll email you a list of deals every day - FREE! Join now!
From our sponsors
貴金屬盤後-金光黯淡 2013 貶值 28%
Dec 31st 2013, 20:40

在 2013 年最後一個交易日,黃金期貨以小跌作收。金價在今年內創下自 2000 年以來的最大跌幅,達28%。紐...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 歐股盤後─大盤收高0.3% 創2009年來最佳年度漲幅

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Economist GMAT Tutor.

The results you want. The flexibility you need. Claim your 7-day free trial today.
From our sponsors
歐股盤後─大盤收高0.3% 創2009年來最佳年度漲幅
Dec 31st 2013, 17:48

2013年最後交易日,歐洲股市收高,今年上漲17%,創2009年以來最大年度漲幅。歐洲Stoxx 600指數上漲...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 避開黃金:上波整理花了整整20年

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
LSAT prep from HLS-educated instructors

LSATMax includes video lessons, unlimited personal attention & support, and over 6,000 real questions from previous LSAT's. Enroll for just $299.
From our sponsors
Dec 31st 2013, 14:34


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 紐約金價 創6月以來新低

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Learning HTML & CSS shouldn't be difficult.

Master Trainer, Mark Lassoff, will teach you everything you need to know to create a creative and professional web site in 4 hours.
From our sponsors
紐約金價 創6月以來新低
Dec 31st 2013, 15:00


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 金價跌 陸自港進口黃金降

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Get healthier and fit with celebrity yoga instructor, Sadie Nardini.

The course will teach you a 14 day routine so you can maintain a body more free of toxins and extra weight.
From our sponsors
金價跌 陸自港進口黃金降
Dec 31st 2013, 08:45


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 《商品期貨》焦炭挫逾3%,滬銀、焦煤跌逾2%

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Book your hotel early for a discount!

You can reap the rewards with great discounts at participating Pullman, M Gallery, Grand Mercure, Novotel, Mercure, ibis and Formule 1 hotels.
From our sponsors
Dec 31st 2013, 08:29

精實新聞 2013-12-31 16:29:06 記者 余美慧 報導大陸商品期貨市場31日走勢續弱。金屬品全面收...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 《商情》前景黯淡,國內期金2013年下挫25%

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Geek Squad from Best Buy

Get instant online support. We can fix computers, cameras, car technology and more. Talk to us today.
From our sponsors
Dec 31st 2013, 07:31


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2013年12月30日 星期一

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 《科技》5.25吋「大」智慧,三星GALAXY GRAND 2攻中階

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Shop Best Buy

Find this week's deals in computers, cameras, phones, and more! Choose store pick up or other shipment options.
From our sponsors
《科技》5.25吋「大」智慧,三星GALAXY GRAND 2攻中階
Dec 31st 2013, 06:05

【時報記者王可鑫台北報導】三星今(31)日推出GALAXY GRAND 2,由台灣大 (3045) 獨家取得經銷...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 安倍經濟學奏效!Gartman:日股牛市多頭氣氛明年將持續

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
From our sponsors
Dec 31st 2013, 05:40

《加特曼投資通訊》(The Gartman Letter)編輯兼發行人Dennis Gartman周一(30日)...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 中國大媽手軟?陸自港淨進口黃金數量慘遭腰斬

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Create positive health habits and dramatically improve the quality of your life.

Begin by following this comprehensive system that includes tools and techniques Dashama has compiled over the past 12 years traveling the world.
From our sponsors
Dec 31st 2013, 04:58

精實新聞 2013-12-31 12:58:17 記者 郭妍希 報導金價連月下跌讓中國大媽不敢再買,11月份自香...

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 滬自貿區 明年推五創新五功能

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
The Best Way to Manage your Money.

Start using Mint today to set a budget, track your goals and do more with your money.
From our sponsors
滬自貿區 明年推五創新五功能
Dec 31st 2013, 03:37


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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金: 《國際金融》黃金現貨跌破1200美元,年跌近30%

Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 黃金
Teach your child to read.

Save 20% now with Hooked on Phonics! Enter 'SAVE20' at checkout.
From our sponsors
Dec 31st 2013, 04:31


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